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Bulletis of Natural and Applied Sciences
Vol. 1(3):69-74

Influence of Different Temperatures on Germination of Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua L)

1Ja’afar, U , 2Lawal, A. G., 1Salisu, N., 1Danjumma, J. K., 1Obadiah, C. D., 3Umar M. and 3Mustapha H. M.; 1Federal University Birnin Kebbi; 2Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto; 3Zamfara State University

Artemisia annua is an annual plant, initially a wild plant but now cultivated for its anti-malarial and other antimicrobial activities. Germination is one of the important stages of growth and development in plants, often regulated by internal and external factors. The research aimed at determining the temperature suitable for the germination of Artemesia annua. This study was conducted at the federal university in Birnin Kebbi, a permanent site in the Kalgo local government area of Kebbi state. One hundred and fifty (150) seeds of Arteminisin annua were put into three petri dishes after placing a wet filter paper; each was placed at 350 C, 370 C, and 250 C, and the treatments were replicated three times each. And observations were made at 24-hour intervals. Speed, percentage, and mean germination time were computed according to standard procedures and protocols of the International Plant Genetic Resource Institute (IPGRI). Temperature significantly (P 0.05) affected the germination of the seed of Artemesia annua L. The highest percentage of 29.9 was observed at 250oC, and the lowest percentage of 0.35 was observed at 35oC. However, speed and mean germination time were all significantly affected by temperature. In conclusion, the present study revealed that seeds of Artemesia annua L germinate best at 250 °C. Therefore, Artemesia annua L can be grown in sub-Saharan countries for its efficacy in the treatment of malaria.